Time for Change
Gymnastics - The Unrecognised Achievers
Gymnastics is a fun and accessible sport for people of all ages. It works the entire body's muscle group and cardiovascular system. It improves strength, flexibility, balance and develops spatial awareness and depth perception. Gymnastics also builds courage, self confidence and self esteem as simple movements are mastered and built upon to form complex acrobatic skills. These unique skillsets are what make gymnastics a perfect foundation sport.
12.9% of all Australian girls aged 0-14 took part in Gymnastics
- Ausplay April 2019 report (Jan 2016 - Dec 2018)
The (overall) sport participation rate for females (11%) is half of that among males (20%)
- VicHealth, 2019
Regular community-based sport participation in Australia generates an estimated AUD$18.7B value p.a. in social capital—that is, enhancing social productivity for a common good
In a study into the benefits of gymnastics for children with disabilities, 40% of parents nominated social reasons, including providing an opportunity for their child to participate in an activity with their peers.
- Understanding the Benefits of Gymnastics for Children with a Disability , R. Campain, (2014)
What Moving to a Permanent & Dedicated Gymnastics Facility Can Achieve.
The Growth Experience of 3 Victorian Gymnastics Clubs
Club # 1
Club # 2
Club # 3
*Affiliation figures provided by Gymnastics Victoria
Dedicated facilities are built sport specific and containing a full and comprehensive range of the sport's standard equipment. Dedicated gymnastics facilities also include specialist equipment including sprung floors and tumbling pits.
Access to specialist equipment and an increase in overall facility space, resulted in immediate rapid membership growth for each of the above 3 clubs, a trend which continued over successive years. Growth in participation numbers provides other benefits such as increased employment (additional administration staff & coaches), and the building of community partnerships with groups such as schools, preschools/ELCs, Child Care facilities and other sporting organisations.
Investing In Gymnastics Is Much More Than Investing In One Sport - It's Investing In The Future Of All Sports & The Wider Community